Aging Activisms is a multi-faceted program of activist research, academic mentorship, and intergenerational community-building
It is led by Dr. May Chazan, Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Gender and Feminist Studies at Trent University (Canada), in conjunction with a small group of her students and community collaborators.
"Our Shared Futures":
the Youth Climate Action Club presents wall hanging at City Hall
An activist-research collective, Aging Activisms explores the diverse ways that activists of different ages, abilities, genders, and backgrounds resist injustices and create change across different movements and throughout their lives. It is underpinned by an anti-oppressive, decolonial, feminist approach to knowledge production: we continuously strive to nurture research relationships, upturn our own assumptions, and foreground those knowledges that are most often omitted from the academy.
Aging Activisms is an intergenerational meeting place for a passionate group of academics and activists who are taken up with the daily struggle of creating a fairer, more compassionate, and more sustainable world.
As a virtual community, we welcome new collaborators, participants, and friends from anywhere in the world. Our steering committee hails from Trent University, which is located in Nogojiwanong (Peterborough, Canada), on Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg territory. We are committed to ongoing reflection and discussion about what it means to engage in research and activisms on this land.