October 12-14 | Intergenerational LGBTQ2IA+ Storytelling Workshop in partnership with PARN
In the fall of 2018, in partnership with anya gwynne and the Peterborough AIDS Resource Network (PARN), we will be bringing together local LGBTQ2IA+ community members of different ages to share their stories and create digital media capsules. Together, we will work through a process of interviewing and photographing each other, creating visuals, and editing an archive of our diverse stories. We will reflect on our different experiences as members of LGBTQ2IA+ communities in Peterborough and on how our experiences and identities have changed at different times in our lives. Story sharing will happen in small, supported groups. Everyone will have a chance to share, interview, take photos, and be part of creating short videos.
This workshop is part of a larger research project called “Stories of Resistance, Resilience, and Resurgence in Nogojiwanong/ Peterborough” – this year with a focus on LGBTQ2IA+ stories. With your permission, following the workshop, the digital stories (or media capsules) we create will become part of an online series, and the full interviews will be archived at the Trent University Library and Archives. These stories will form an online archive of activist biographies that collectively tell stories of resistance, resurgence, and resilience in this place over the past 50+ years. The goal is to make these important stories accessible to students and community members for generations to come. (You can have a look at some other digital stories that we have created in this community here: www.agingactivisms.org/activist-archive-nogo-ptbo).
Read more about the workshops, and keep an eye out for the digital stories, here.